Alon Ostron was born in 1995 in Netanya, Israel. He began his first piano lessons at the age of nine at the Stricker Israeli Conservatory of Music in Tel Aviv. From the age of twelve, Alon participated in the "Edward Aldwell" project for outstanding musicians in Jerusalem, where he performed live on radio both as a soloist and in chamber ensembles.

Over the years, Alon studied with some of the finest teachers in the field, including Maestro Vag Papian, Mr. Daniel Haexter, Mr. Yuval Admony and Tami Kanazawa, Professor Arnon Erez, and others. He has been awarded numerous scholarships, including from the Ronen Foundation, the America-Israel Cultural Foundation ("Keren Sharett"), the Buchman-Heyman Foundation for promising musicians, and excellence scholarships throughout his academic studies at the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music at Tel Aviv University.

Additionally, Alon has won many competitions, both in Israel and abroad, such as the "Young Artist" competition for chamber ensembles in Jerusalem, the prestigious Chopin Rome International Competition (Italy) for piano duo (third prize), and the Carles & Sofia International Piano Duo Competition for four hands – first prize (Golden Hands) (2024).

Moreover, Alon has performed in concerts and festivals worldwide, including the Jerusalem National Chamber Music Festival (2015), the Serbia Festival for Duets, charity events for the Jewish community in London and Hong Kong, and a special project for children at a theater in Venice in 2018.

Alon holds a master's degree with honors from the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music at Tel Aviv University. He has collaborated with top conductors in Israel, such as Maestro Roni Porat, among others. Between 2016-2023, Alon was invited to accompany conducting classes led by Maestro Porat.

In June 2023, Alon and his twin brother, Guy, were invited to give a full piano duo recital, broadcast live on "Kol HaMusika" at the Jerusalem Music Centre. Alon and his twin brother have performed in some of the best music halls in Israel, including the Charles Bronfman Auditorium in Tel Aviv, the BYU Center in Jerusalem in a live broadcast concert, the Herzliya Arts Center, and more.

Currently, Alon works at leading music conservatories for children in Israel.